Oracle Database@Azure

Accelerate innovation and cloud migration with Oracle database services running in Microsoft Azure. Quickly build and modernize applications with capabilities such as Oracle Database 23ai AI Vector Search and Azure AI services.

Oracle Database@Azure Overview (2:14)
Wprowadzaj innowacje dzięki połączonym rozwiązaniom Oracle i Microsoft

Oracle Autonomous Database w Oracle Database@Azure oferuje nowe możliwości uruchamiania wielochmurowych aplikacji o kluczowym znaczeniu. Dowiedz się więcej 31 lipca.

Benefits of Oracle Database@Azure

Innovate with Oracle and Microsoft services

  • Build new cloud native apps using Azure services, such as Azure Kubernetes, with Oracle Autonomous Database.
  • Enhance existing apps with natural language and other generative AI capabilities.
  • Quickly react to business demands using one converged, fully automated database that’s optimized for all workloads and data formats.
Learn more about innovation opportunities (4:31)
Innovate with Oracle and Microsoft services

Migrate and consolidate Oracle databases to Microsoft Azure

  • Simplify workload migration and consolidation via full compatibility with on-premises Oracle Database and Oracle Exadata deployments.
  • Experience the same high levels of Oracle Database performance, security, and availability as in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), and benefit from unique optimizations for transaction processing, analytics, and mixed workloads.
  • Migrate on-premises databases to Oracle Database@Azure using Oracle’s proven migration solutions.
Learn more about database migration
Migrate and consolidate Oracle databases to Microsoft Azure

Simplify purchasing and operations

  • Purchase Oracle database services through the Azure Marketplace using your Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitments (MACCs) and get a single bill for Oracle Database and Microsoft Azure services.
  • Use existing Oracle Database licenses and accrue the same Oracle Support Rewards as when using OCI directly.
  • Automate manual administrative tasks such as database provisioning, backups, and monitoring.
Learn more about purchasing
Simplify purchasing and operations

Opinie klientów na temat Oracle Database@Azure

  • „Dane to siła napędowa każdego przedsiębiorstwa, a chmura to najlepszy sposób na ich analizę w celu uzyskania przydatnych informacji. Jesteśmy jedną z największych firm spożywczych na świecie o wartości rynkowej ponad 200 mld USD, dlatego możliwość uruchamiania w chmurze naszych krytycznych systemów za pomocą rozwiązania Oracle Database@Azure daje nam skalowalną przewagę strategiczną w ramach naszych globalnych operacji”.

    – Magesh Bagavathi
    starszy wiceprezes i globalny dyrektor ds. technologii, PepsiCo
  • „Zadaniem naszych partnerów technologicznych jest wspomaganie strategicznego ukierunkowania Vodafone na klienta, prostą obsługę i rozwój w Europie i Afryce. Nowa oferta firm Oracle i Microsoft umożliwia nam szybsze i bardziej opłacalne oferowanie klientom innowacyjnych i zróżnicowanych usług cyfrowych”.

    – Scott Petty
    dyrektor ds. technologii, Vodafone
  • „Jesteśmy globalnym liderem w branży usług finansowych, który dzięki transformacji cyfrowej zapewnia swoim klientom i pracownikom najlepsze doświadczenia. Nadal przenosimy nasze aplikacje biznesowe do chmury i uważamy, że partnerstwa dostawców usług chmurowych mają potencjał, aby pomóc całej naszej branży w zapewnieniu lepszego bezpieczeństwa oraz większej wydajności i zgodności z przepisami. Działania takie przyczyniają się do szybszego tworzenia nowych produktów, rozwiązań i usług, które poprawiają jakość obsługi klienta i pomagają osiągać lepsze wyniki finansowe”.

    – Santhosh Keshavan
    wiceprezes wykonawczy i dyrektor ds. informatyki, Voya Financial, Inc.

How Oracle Database@Azure works

How Oracle Database for Azure works diagram, description below
The diagram shows Azure customers will be able to procure, deploy, and use Oracle Database@Azure with the Azure portal and APIs.

Combine your choice of Azure services with Oracle database services running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, collocated in Microsoft Azure data centers. Azure customers will be able to procure, deploy, and use Oracle Database@Azure with the Azure portal and APIs. Learn more about the cloud architecture behind Oracle Database@Azure.

Oracle Database@Azure regions

North America

North America Azure region Launch date
  East US December 13, 2023
  Canada Central July 10, 2024
  Central US Coming soon
  South Central US Coming soon

South America

South America Azure region Launch date
  Brazil South Coming soon


Europe Azure region Launch date
  Germany West Central March 15, 2024
  UK South April 5, 2024
  France Central May 22, 2024
  Italy North Coming soon
  Sweden Central Coming soon

Middle East and Africa

Middle East and Africa Azure region Launch date
  United Arab Emirates North Coming soon

Asia Pacific

Asia Pacific Azure region Launch date
  Australia East August 16, 2024
  Central India Coming soon
  Japan East Coming soon
  Southeast Asia Coming soon

Oracle Database@Azure use cases

Migrating on-premises workloads to Oracle Database@Azure

Migrate and run mission-critical Oracle Database workloads in Azure as you would on Oracle Exadata on-premises or on OCI. Use proven database migration solutions and strategies. Combine existing Azure and Oracle skills to simplify operations.

Migrating on-premises workloads to Oracle Database@Azure diagram, description below
Run mission-critical Oracle Database workloads in Azure as you would on Oracle Exadata on-premises infrastructure. Modernize and innovate with Oracle and Azure services. Simplify purchasing through Azure credits or Oracle Universal Credits. Combine existing Azure and Oracle skills to simplify operations.

Migrating AWS workloads to Oracle Database@Azure

Consolidate your Amazon RDS on Oracle Database@Azure to lower licensing and operation costs. Benefit from Oracle Database Extreme Performance edition, Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture, performance optimizations of Exadata, and collaborative support, all of which are only available from Oracle and Microsoft.

Migrating AWS workloads to Oracle Database@Azure diagram, description below
Migrate your Amazon RDS to Oracle Exadata Database Service at Azure to lower licensing and operating costs. Get higher SLAs than with Amazon RDS. Run the Extreme Performance edition of Oracle Database, which is not available on Amazon RDS. Benefit from Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture, performance optimizations of Exadata, and collaborative support, all of which are only available from Oracle and Microsoft.

Modernize and innovate on-premises workloads with Oracle Database@Azure

Modernize and innovate with cloud native apps using Oracle database services and Azure resources. Combine Microsoft Cloud capabilities and Azure application development tools and frameworks with the power of Oracle database services. Leverage Azure DevOps to modernize development and deployment.

On-premises modernization diagram diagram, description below
Migrate databases and applications to Oracle Database@Azure. Use Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure DevOps to modernize your app's lifecycle with CI/CD pipelines and DevOps tools in the cloud.

Migrate on-premises data analytics to Oracle Database@Azure

Migrate and run data analytics applications in Azure. Combine Azure analytics capabilities with the highest performing and most scalable Oracle database cloud services. Gain immediate and actionable insights from your data.

Migrate on-premises data analytics to Oracle Database@Azure diagram, description below
Migrate and run data analytics applications in Azure. Combine Azure analytics capabilities with the highest performing and most scalable Oracle database cloud services. Gain immediate and actionable insights from your data.

See what top industry analysts are saying about Oracle Database@Azure

  • IDC logo

    “The fact that Microsoft Azure customers can now, with OCI systems running in Azure, collocate OCI-based Oracle Autonomous Database on Exadata with applications running on Azure, satisfies a major unmet need for the very substantial segment of Azure users...” Read more

    Carl Olofson
    Research Vice President, Data Management Software, IDC
  • Omdia logo

    “Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is now running inside of Azure, including Exadata Database and Autonomous Database, among other services. This changes the game on so many levels...” Read more

    Bradley Shimmin
    Chief Analyst, AI and Analytics, Omdia
  • Constellation Research logo

    “Oracle is making history by bringing the Autonomous Database and its corresponding Exadata platforms—as well as all of the HA features such as RAC and Active Data Guard—into Microsoft Azure data centers worldwide...” Read more

    Holger Mueller
    Vice President and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research
  • Wikibon logo

    “Microsoft and Oracle just completely redefined what it means to be multicloud. In an unprecedented and truly unexpected move, Exadata and all of the Oracle Database cloud services, including the Autonomous Databases, running on OCI, are now colocated in Azure data centers...” Read more

    Marc Staimer
    Senior Analyst, Wikibon

“Microsoft and Oracle just completely redefined what it means to be multicloud. In an unprecedented and truly unexpected move, Exadata and all of the Oracle Database cloud services, including the Autonomous Databases, running on OCI, are now colocated in Azure data centers. Azure users experience directly the power and benefits of Autonomous Database without any concerns of latency and ingress/egress fees. This is a game changer and walled gardens are over.”

Marc Staimer
Senior Analyst, Wikibon

“Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is now running inside of Azure, including Exadata Database and Autonomous Database, among other services. This changes the game on so many levels. Existing Oracle database customers will immediately see the value in this extended partnership offering, while competitors offering database services on Azure will find themselves in search of a new differentiator. This new service is of particular importance for AI practitioners as it quite literally brings the data right next to the AI, accelerating their ability to implement generative AI models without having to compromise on data access, security, and performance. This extension of the two companies’ earlier partnership further reconstructs industry expectations, showcasing just what a next-gen cloud should look like.”

Bradley Shimmin
Chief Analyst, AI and Analytics, Omdia

“Oracle is making history by bringing the Autonomous Database and its corresponding Exadata platforms—as well as all of the HA features such as RAC and Active Data Guard—into Microsoft Azure data centers worldwide. This transcends the boundaries and limitations of merely running the same piece of software in other clouds—it’s about also running the core architecture that the software was co-engineered with. It’s a huge win for Azure customers as they can now get Oracle’s prime database services, running on OCI, physically inside of Azure and procure it seamlessly from the Azure Marketplace—all while having their database managed by Oracle.”

Holger Mueller
Vice President and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research

“The fact that Microsoft Azure customers can now, with OCI systems running in Azure, collocate OCI-based Oracle Autonomous Database on Exadata with applications running on Azure, satisfies a major unmet need for the very substantial segment of Azure users who require the full function of Oracle Database in the cloud. Exadata is the most effective platform to run Oracle Database, and this provides Azure users with the best of all possible worlds. Clearly, Oracle and Azure have embraced a true multicloud strategy for the ultimate benefit of their mutual customers, and we believe that this is the direction that all cloud providers will need to follow in order to keep pace.”

Carl Olofson
Research Vice President, Data Management Software, IDC

Dodatkowe materiały

Więcej informacji o Oracle Database@Azure

W ramach Oracle Database@Azure użytkownicy otrzymują usługi bazodanowe Oracle klasy Enterprise jako natywną ofertę w środowisku Azure.

Pierwsze zasady: obsługa newralgicznych aplikacji za pomocą systemu bazodanowego Oracle Database@Azure

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  • Mogą odpowiedzieć na pytania takie jak:

    • W czym rozwiązanie Oracle Database@Azure jest lepsze od samodzielnie zarządzanych baz danych Oracle działających w środowisku Microsoft Azure?
    • Dlaczego warto wybrać Oracle Database do obsługi swoich obciążeń?
    • W czym OCI-Azure Interconnect przewyższa inne rozwiązania w zakresie łączności wielochmurowej?
    • Jakiego rodzaju obciążenia najlepiej działają w OCI?