Oracle Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs)

View Oracle’s Accessibility Conformance Reports based on the Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates.

Product status

The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) was developed by the Information and Technology Council (ITI) and the Government Services Administration (GSA) to assist Federal contracting officials and other buyers in making preliminary assessments regarding the availability of commercial Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products and services with features that support accessibility.

Oracle uses the VPAT to create our Accessibility Conformance Reports to represent the degree of conformance to various accessibility standards and guidelines, including Section 508 (as released in 2001 and revised in 2017), WCAG 1.0, WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1. Depending on when a product was developed and released, different standards may be listed. Oracle is an active member on the ITI group that is working to enhance the VPAT to address future standards.

Oracle products are extremely complex enterprise-class applications, where real world accessibility is achieved through correct configuration of many Oracle and third party components (application, server operating system, browser, and assistive technology, for example.) This matrix may at times result in defects at the time of release. In other cases we might include recently acquired applications that have not yet been fully evaluated for accessibility. You should read our ACRs carefully and assess the applicability of any defects or exceptions listed for your particular deployment; often customers only use a subset of any one product, so a known defect or exception may not be significant in that context.

Understanding ACRs

  • Each Oracle ACR will list the minimum version and patch level of a product that it addresses. That ACR will apply to newer versions or patches, unless specifically noted in the ACR. Older versions of an ACR that have been superseded by newer versions are available on the page Archived ACR. A version of a product prior to the listed minimum version and patch levels may not conform to the applicable standards.
  • Oracle ACRs may list significant known defects and exceptions within each provision, or at the top of the file. In situations where an entire component of a product is not accessible, it will be indicated in the text at the top of the ACR, and responses to the technical provisions will only pertain to those components that have not been excluded.
  • An ACR may list one or more 'Product Dependencies', which are other ACRs that either constitute the modules of a particular product, or are underlying technology products. You must read the entire chain of ACRs to assess the overall status of a particular product. Note too that your specific deployment may use versions of components that differ from those available when an ACR was first written.
  • Any standard is subject to some amount of interpretation; see Standards Interpretation for a detailed look at how Oracle addresses specific standards.

Oracle ACRs

Note that there is not always a one-to-one mapping of ACRs to products listed on the Oracle store. In some cases a specific product may be embedded in a larger scoped ACR; for example, 'Oracle General Ledger' may be included within the ACR of a larger product suite such as 'Oracle Financials'.

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Archived ACRs

Note that there is not always a one-to-one mapping of ACRs to products listed on the Oracle store. In some cases a specific product may be embedded in a larger scoped ACR; for example, ‘Oracle General Ledger’ may be included within the ACR of a larger product suite such as ‘Oracle Financials’.

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