Macro-Video helps customers stay secure with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

The Chinese smart camera manufacturer uses OCI to reduce costs, improve IT operations, and help more customers keep their homes and businesses safe.


Oracle’s worldwide presence helped accelerate the global expansion of our business. OCI’s stable cloud services greatly improved our end user experience and reduced the complexity of our operations and IT maintenance.

Shaoneng ChenCEO, Macro-Video Technology

Business challenges

Macro-Video Technology is a Chinese producer of smart camera and video products aimed at helping customers maintain wireless security from anywhere. Originally founded to serve government and corporate sectors, the company expanded its retail offerings and established a strong footing in the global smart camera market.

Keen to continue its overseas expansion, Macro-Video recognized that its infrastructure was insufficient. As more customers adopted the company’s smart cameras, the enormous load on the existing servers created issues for the business. Company leaders worried that the growing network traffic would soon disrupt video quality for customers while network costs were spiraling. Understanding that increasing the number of servers would only create more challenges, the company wanted to reduce the number of servers it maintained. It sought a robust, scalable, and cost-effective infrastructure that could support a growing customer base, while ensuring real-time, high-definition video for customers to monitor their homes and businesses.

OCI’s world-class price-performance for computing and network services reduced our operating costs by up to 67% in some regions.

Shaoneng ChenCEO, Macro-Video Technology

Why Guangzhou Marco-Video Technology chose Oracle

Macro-Video realized that cloud infrastructure would bring the most value in resolving the company’s growing pains. After a careful evaluation, the company selected Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) for its ability to support overseas development. Oracle Cloud’s global presence, with more than 40 cloud regions across 23 countries, was a key factor in Macro-Video’s decision to adopt OCI. Having servers close to customers was crucial to ensure high video quality. Also, Oracle would give the company a significant advantage in areas such as South America and the Middle East, where other cloud vendors had little development.

The OCI Virtual Cloud Network (VCN) would help reduce global network traffic expenses and offer world-class price-performance for each region. The secure, data-friendly network would also offer 10TB of free data egress every month and much lower egress fees compared to other cloud providers, resulting in further savings.

Furthermore, Macro-Video would be able to merge and deploy a large number of OCI Virtual Machines (VMs) with flexible computing capabilities. A stable network and no restrictions on fixed bandwidth or computing resources would help the company’s IT staff tremendously.


After adopting OCI, Macro-Video continued its overseas expansion. With video servers across Oracle’s numerous global cloud regions, the company increased its customer base in key geographies while ensuring consistently clear, real-time video for customers. 

In addition to reinforcing the company’s growth, OCI also helped Macro-Video improve efficiency and score strategic cost savings. The move to OCI saved the business 67% of costs in its Europe and Americas region and 17% in JAPAC, compared to the previous environment. The company reinvested the savings in development of new, innovate smart cameras. 

On the technical side, IT staff had faced pressure operating and maintaining 3,000 VMs. Using OCI, that number dropped to only 200. Consolidating servers allowed staffers to focus on more value-added activities. Also, running VMs on Oracle’s Virtual Cloud Network gave Macro-Video greater agility to scale for changing workloads. The company’s engineers easily configured VM shapes to meet the demand of additional users on the network, optimizing compute performance for the needs of the business.

Published:September 19, 2023

About the customer

Founded in 2001, Guangzhou Macro-Video Technology is a global producer of smart cloud camera and video solutions.