Discover the power of generative AI models equipped with advanced language comprehension for building the next generation of enterprise applications. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Generative AI is a fully managed service for seamlessly integrating these versatile language models into a wide range of use cases, including writing assistance, summarization, analysis, and chat.
了解金融、零售以及其它众多行业中的 AI 使用场景,探索如何通过更多方式利用 AI 促进企业发展。
目前很多供应商都在快速推进生成式 AI 技术,但没有一家供应商的解决方案能够满足客户具体的端到端需求。
Oracle 联手企业 AI 前沿平台 Cohere 发布原生生成式 AI 服务。
“Generative AI is an amazing opportunity to support our business, delight our customers, and boost productivity.We’re excited to partner with Oracle and Cohere to achieve those goals together.”
高级总监 Kamran Zargahi
“Oracle has been a valuable partner for Altair, and with Altair’s focus on computational science and artificial intelligence, Altair has begun integrating large language models into our solutions because of their transformative promise.We believe generative AI will transform the way we work.”
首席技术官 Sam Mahalingam
“University of Missouri Health Care is looking forward to simplifying physician and nurse workflows by incorporating generative AI into their Oracle electronic health record system, which will help them spend more time with patients to improve the quality of care and healthcare experience.”
常务副校长 Richard J.Barohn 医学博士
Oracle 为大多数 AI 服务提供免费定价套餐,您还可以通过免费试用账户内的 300 美元储值来试用其它云技术服务。获取详细信息并注册免费账户。
您只需为 OCI Data Science 支付计算和存储费用。
在生成式 AI 的帮助下,您将为经过预先训练的食谱生成器提供食材清单,以决定做什么菜。
开始动手练习欢迎来到 Bistro AI了解 OCI Data Science 的概念,以提高工作流程效率并提高生产力。
开始动手练习使用 Accelerated Data Science SDK 推动数据科学发展了解如何在 Oracle Digital Assistant 中使用多个聊天机器人和数字助手。
开始动手练习初学者指南:构建自定义语言 AI 模型Oracle 邀您参加 OCI AI Foundations Associate 认证考试
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